IWD lucy barrett
Latest News | Haley McPherson

This week we are celebrating International Women’s Day by championing our very own, inspirational female leaders.

We join Lucy Barrett, Founder and Managing Director of Vantage Finance, for a unique perspective into what inspires her, keeps her up at night – and some of her biggest career challenges.

  • Who inspires you to live your best life?

    Whilst I don’t have any one main inspiration I meet a lot of people along the way that I pick up inspiration from, whether that be in work or my personal life. I’m the sort of person who gets quite easily inspired by those around me for all things big and small and I’m always looking to better myself and challenge myself.

  • If there was one charity you could donate to, which would you choose?

    Over the last few years I have become more switched on to the issues that people live with relating to mental health, and having experienced this first hand with friends and people close to me I feel the impact of this subject more than ever so would have to say MIND or another similar charity would be my top choice.

  • What keeps you up at night?

    Usually work! Albeit I can find many subjects to worry about at night being a massive over-thinker!

  • On hard days, what motivates you to get up and start your day?

    I find that I thrive off routine, and whilst we all have certain ‘off colour’ days I am my best when sticking to my routine. If I am having negative thoughts I always try to remind myself of the insignificance of a day in the scheme of life and I try and focus on things which make me smile. Exercise and sport are probably the biggest thing for my motivation and they form part of my daily routine.

  • What was the biggest challenge you faced in your career?

    I actually look back on most the challenges I have had and can now see positive outcomes from the direction the challenge drove me in. I would have to say that the financial crisis scars are pretty deep as with most that ran their own business during that time. It felt like we were never going to come out the other side, but it has driven a lot of change which helped me to shape my career and grow the business as I did over the years that followed it.

For more information about International Women’s Day visit https://www.internationalwomensday.com/

International women’s day with Emily Gestetner >