The Enra Specialist Finance (the company) is dedicated to providing the utmost of professional care and consideration towards its customers in the provision of its products and services.
The company recognises that in some instances, there may be times when a customer has cause to complain in relation to the provision of these. Where this does occur the company will treat all complaints received with due process, to consistently ensure that the customer’s issues are addressed, investigated and answered promptly and effectively.
Where the complaint relates to a member company of the Enra Specialist Finance it will be passed to the relevant to answer within these timeframes starting on date of receipt by Enra. You will be contacted by the relevant group member directly.
Where it is objectively apparent that a customer has, through the Group’s action or omission, suffered financial loss or material distress or inconvenience, appropriate redress will be offered to the customer. Should you wish to make a complaint to Enra Specialist Finance or a member company of the Enra Specialist Finance we are committed to the following:
- Complaints can be raised in writing, by phone or in person. The method by which you inform us will not affect the processing of your complaint
- All complaints will be acknowledged in writing, or by your preferred method of contact, within 5 working days of receipt
- An investigation will be carried out to enable us to provide you with a comprehensive and appropriate response to all issues raised
- A final response will be issued to you within 8 weeks of receipt of your complaint
- The final response will detail our understanding of your complaint, the investigations carried out by our complaints assessor, the result of the complaint, and your right, if applicable, to appeal the decision to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)
- This letter will also outline the Group’s stance in regards to the waiving, or otherwise, of regulatory time limits in the referral of your complaint to the FOS
- Where we are unable to provide a final response within the 8 week time frame, we will let you know what is outstanding to enable us to achieve this as well as an expectation date as to when we will be able to fully answer. You may at this stage be able to refer the matter to the FOS for their adjudication.
To raise a complaint with Enra Specialist Finance Ltd:
By Post: Head of Compliance, Enra Specialist Finance Ltd, The Edward Hyde Building, 38 Clarendon Road, Watford, WD17 1JW
By email:
By phone: 0208 736 2211